
”breaking The Code’ At The North Coast Repertory Theatre


AIRDATE: ??? "In the long run," says brilliant British mathematician Alan Turing, "it's not breaking the code that matters. It's where you go from there." Turing, who cracked the crucial German Enigma code during World War II, managed to wind up on parole, with his life and career destroyed because he broke the unwritten social code, openly admitting his homosexuality at Read More →

”forever Plaid” At The Old Globe Theatre


KPBS AIRDATE: 8/29/91 We've all known a few good-hearted geeks. Guys who tried too hard to be cool, and wound up less than tepid.   Guys who got nosebleeds when they were nervous. Or, even worse, heartburn. Maybe they wore bowties. Plaid ones, no less.   Well, that's just the kind of Read More →

”rebel Without A Car” At The Bowery Theatre’s Kingston Playhouse


KPBS AIRDATE:   AUGUST 27, 1991 Performance art is a pretty personal thing. Sometimes it's more cathartic or illuminating for the performer than for the audience.   That's kind of how I felt about Jesse Haywood's "Rebel Without a Car." When he found out two years ago that he was HIV-positive, the first thing Haywood wanted Read More →

”the Heliotrope Bouquet By Scott Joplin And Louis Chauvin” At The La Jolla Playhouse


KPBS AIRDATE:   AUGUST 19,1991 It's almost as if we're watching "The Heliotrope Bouquet by Scott Joplin and Louis Chauvin" through an opium haze. But ragtime wizard Joplin wasn't as much into mind-bending drugs as his contemporary Chauvin. At the time we meet him, however, in 1917, Joplin is sliding downward from syphilis, and his mind is fuzzy with fever, as he flashes Read More →

”grand Hotel” At The Civic Theatre


Aug 13-18 KPBS AIRDATE:   AUGUST 14, 1991 I'm tempted to call it "The Bland Hotel." It's as if some wayward Kansas tornado lifted this large, sumptuous New York construction and plopped it down at the Civic Theatre intact. For me, it’s another one of those vapid, vacant but elaborate concoctions that's been passing for a Read More →

”necessities” At The Cassius Carter Centre Stage


KPBS AIRDATE:   7/22/91 What exactly are life's basic necessities? For 43 year-old Zelda Kelly, protagonist of Velina Hasu's Houston's latest play, called "Necessities," it's -- let's see, a couple of Mercedes, some big feature film deals, maybe a TV sitcom, a deal-making power lunch, a young, successful husband, 10 or 20 cats, a bulging checkbook, a smarmy male secretary. All Read More →