“uncanny Valley” – San Diego Repertory Theatre

“uncanny Valley” – San Diego Repertory Theatre

Pat Launer, Center Stage on KSDS JAZZ88 April 24, 2015 Immortality – would you choose it if you could? And if you did, would you want all your knowledge and personality in a computer system for eternity – or reconstituted in a perfect simulation of yourself? At what age would you want to be replicated? Would your avatar have Read More →

“unnecessary Farce” Takes The High (comedy) Road 2

“unnecessary Farce” Takes The High (comedy) Road 2

PAT LAUNER TIMES OF SAN DIEGO 4/21/15 Eight slamming doors, four men in boxers and a woman repeatedly in her scanties. Two incompetent cops. A trayful of donuts. Two bagpipes, a pair of Scottish killers. And one hilarious show. “Unnecessary Farce,” by actor/playwright Paul Slade Smith, premiered his zany comedy in 2006 in Michigan. Over the next seven years, Read More →

Big Thinkers, Big Themes: “freud’s Last Session” At Lamb’s Players Theatre

Big Thinkers, Big Themes: “freud’s Last Session” At Lamb’s Players Theatre

PAT LAUNER TIMES OF SAN DIEGO 4/22/15 Two of the 20th Century’s most influential minds turn their laser-sharp focus on one of the greatest mysteries of all time: the existence of God. The meeting between Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis never actually took place, but it undoubtedly would have been a doozy. In 2009, playwright Mark Read More →

“unnecessary Farce” Takes The High (comedy) Road 1

“unnecessary Farce” Takes The High (comedy) Road 1

PAT LAUNER THEATER REVIEW TIMES OF SAN DIEGO 4/21/15 Eight slamming doors, four men in boxers and a woman repeatedly in her scanties. Two incompetent cops. A trayful of donuts. Two bagpipes, a pair of Scottish killers. And one hilarious show. “Unnecessary Farce,” by Read More →

“buyer And Cellar” – The Old Globe

“buyer And Cellar” – The Old Globe

Pat Launer, Center Stage on KSDS JAZZ88 April 17, 2015 “What’s it like ?... To have been at the top for so long ?, ” Alex asks Barbra. Though he’s a fictional character, she’s, well, Barbra Streisand. The question is valid, and the answer remains the same, across the centuries: no matter how much fame, fortune or celebrity Read More →

Deserted Island Dystopia: “lord Of The Flies” At New Village Arts

Deserted Island Dystopia: “lord Of The Flies” At New Village Arts

PAT LAUNER TIMES OF SAN DIEGO 4/14/15 Bombs are dropping in the background as a plane crashes on a remote Pacific island. The only survivors are young boys, adolescents and pre-adolescents alone in a lush, uninhabited place. There are wild pigs abroad, and there may be a beast. There’s also an immediate power struggle, between rational, well-intentioned Ralph and violent, tyrannical Jack. In short Read More →